Monday, November 8, 2010

Reply to : Food Stamps Getting The Boot

While reading Briana Zak's post "Food Stamps getting the boot" I have found that I am an aid in this proposition to cut food stamps to aid the reform for health care. I believe there are a lot of people that need food stamps but, there are a lot of people that abuse the system as well. As a tax payer , of course I do not like to see my money given away to people that are physically capable of taking care of themselves but , I do understand that we are in a recession and I do believe that we should save our resources ie. our teachers and police officers . People that serve us for a better cause and a promising future . Why not fund our future ?! Yes it is terrible to see our people suffer but let's have a positive outlook on things maybe the cut in funds will make job seekers more eager to better themselves and their families.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Women & Guns !

Is a gun-carrying nation a safer nation?
A study published in 1995 showed that guns were used defensively used about 2.5 million times a year and that in only 5% of cases were defenders harmed after they brandished their gun (Time). Violence is a huge factor in many communities , we have the right to protect ourselves if an offender trespasses but what happens when an assaulter invades our personal space . We as women can not physically take down many men , although some of us like to think we can , most of us are physically incapable of defending ourselves . Should it be that women are only allowed to carry guns and men are not ?! "There is roughly one firearm for every seven people worldwide. Without the United States, though, this drops to about one firearm per 10 people," (Time) and about 4.5 million of the 8 million new guns manufactured worldwide each year are purchased in the United States. The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world, to take guns away would be unrealistic in a society where over 33% of families own them. Surveys have showed that women with guns feel more protected and can sleep much easier at night . Now, if we as women were allowed to carry a concealed women around in the car or if they put a rule on what kind of gun we could carry in our purpose , a lot of situations like rape and assault , I believe would decrease . But will our nation be a safer nation , yes we as women are pretty logical but we do tend to act off emotion , would crime rates increase ?! There is a possibility situations like my husband has been cheating , or my life just is not what it should be may be more then just situations and lead to deadly cases . We hear stories often about women running over there husband , or shooting them in the head for many reasons and it seems as if she acts off of emotion . And situations as so , happen like this everyday . Our nation would not be safer but I do not believe it would be any worse . For protection purposes yes , women should be allowed to carry weapons but where do we draw that "protection" line at is the new question !

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Proposition Ree fa... I mean 19 !

Ree fa , cannabis , spliffa , ganja , herb , weed , etc... Marijuana should it be legalized or should it remain illegal is the question . Proposition 19 ,  states that weed should be used for recreational purposes and that it would help the economy grow in the state of California due to taxing . It also states that for personal use no one will be allowed to obtain more then an ounce at a time .
Personally , I believe that Marijuana is a great herb produced by mother nature that doesn't really harm you , in some senses it benefits you in many ways . For instance , if your not able to eat , smoking a blunt will dehydrate you initially ; but it'll make you feel as if you were hungry , as some would call it you would get the "munchies" and you would be able to eat . From personal experience marijuana improves your creativity and your ability to problem solve in ways that you wouldn't be able to think of if you were not stoned . Where I'm from weed is a cure most of the time , for a lot different things . But should it be legalized ?
I do not believe that Ganja should be legalized but it should not be frowned upon , or treated so severely when it comes to law . To make weed legal is one thing but to tax it is another , many people or should I say drug dealers and gang members will not cir-cum to such laws . It would put many people out of "street" business ! Many of their customers would no longer need them , because weed is now legal ! I also believe that crime rates would go up as well , many armed robbery cases would take place . In many cases it would be premeditated , allowing every individual to have have an ounce would make them vulnerable to gang violence . Which would cause more prisoners , and our prisons are already overcrowded and very expensive . This would ultimately hurt our economy as a whole ! Proposition 19 is a #FAIL !,0,4509321.story

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


What would we do without our FEW great Samaritans , I'm sure the Fresno police could answer this ! Thanks to a Fresno native , an eight year old girl was found alive after being abducted for 11 hours . According to police , usually the odds are you don't find the child alive . Monday evening around 8:30 p.m. , Gregorio Gonzalez lured the young girl into his red pick-up truck , and proceeded to take off while witnesses chased after the truck . It was soon reported and the description of the truck was put out from what was captured on the surveillance cameras ; THANK GOD for Victor Perez who spotted the truck the following Tuesday morning . He pursued the man in the truck and continued to ask him to pull over . He did not see the little girl at first till she peeped her head out and he cut him off and that's when Gonzalez pushed her out the car . The little girl ran to safety in "good condition" but test showed the she was sexually assaulted ! Victor Perez was more then happy to be of assistance for the young girl and her family ! Case closed .   For further interest  .

Monday, September 27, 2010

It's a BiRD ,it's a PLANE , NO it's a TRAiN !

Recently in Afghanistan there has been a sighting of a train , the last time they've seen a train was back in 1923 ! Can we say land before time ! It has been nearly a century since the first train has ran , it is now kept in the Kabul Museum for show and tell . Luckily they're almost done with the brand-new, 75-kilometer long railroad that will run from the Uzbek-Afghan border to the northern Afghan city of Mazar-e Sharif. For many young adults this will be there first time seeing a train in there whole entire life . It's Amazing ! This railroad will provide Afghanistan a land-locked country with an economic growth resource .

What's the Word !

So , I tested my Political News IQ test and I just happened to score better then 36% percent of the rest of the general public !