Tuesday, October 5, 2010


What would we do without our FEW great Samaritans , I'm sure the Fresno police could answer this ! Thanks to a Fresno native , an eight year old girl was found alive after being abducted for 11 hours . According to police , usually the odds are you don't find the child alive . Monday evening around 8:30 p.m. , Gregorio Gonzalez lured the young girl into his red pick-up truck , and proceeded to take off while witnesses chased after the truck . It was soon reported and the description of the truck was put out from what was captured on the surveillance cameras ; THANK GOD for Victor Perez who spotted the truck the following Tuesday morning . He pursued the man in the truck and continued to ask him to pull over . He did not see the little girl at first till she peeped her head out and he cut him off and that's when Gonzalez pushed her out the car . The little girl ran to safety in "good condition" but test showed the she was sexually assaulted ! Victor Perez was more then happy to be of assistance for the young girl and her family ! Case closed .   For further interest http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101006/ap_on_re_us/us_california_girl_abducted  .

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