Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Proposition Ree fa... I mean 19 !

Ree fa , cannabis , spliffa , ganja , herb , weed , etc... Marijuana should it be legalized or should it remain illegal is the question . Proposition 19 ,  states that weed should be used for recreational purposes and that it would help the economy grow in the state of California due to taxing . It also states that for personal use no one will be allowed to obtain more then an ounce at a time .
Personally , I believe that Marijuana is a great herb produced by mother nature that doesn't really harm you , in some senses it benefits you in many ways . For instance , if your not able to eat , smoking a blunt will dehydrate you initially ; but it'll make you feel as if you were hungry , as some would call it you would get the "munchies" and you would be able to eat . From personal experience marijuana improves your creativity and your ability to problem solve in ways that you wouldn't be able to think of if you were not stoned . Where I'm from weed is a cure most of the time , for a lot different things . But should it be legalized ?
I do not believe that Ganja should be legalized but it should not be frowned upon , or treated so severely when it comes to law . To make weed legal is one thing but to tax it is another , many people or should I say drug dealers and gang members will not cir-cum to such laws . It would put many people out of "street" business ! Many of their customers would no longer need them , because weed is now legal ! I also believe that crime rates would go up as well , many armed robbery cases would take place . In many cases it would be premeditated , allowing every individual to have have an ounce would make them vulnerable to gang violence . Which would cause more prisoners , and our prisons are already overcrowded and very expensive . This would ultimately hurt our economy as a whole ! Proposition 19 is a #FAIL !,0,4509321.story

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