Monday, November 8, 2010

Reply to : Food Stamps Getting The Boot

While reading Briana Zak's post "Food Stamps getting the boot" I have found that I am an aid in this proposition to cut food stamps to aid the reform for health care. I believe there are a lot of people that need food stamps but, there are a lot of people that abuse the system as well. As a tax payer , of course I do not like to see my money given away to people that are physically capable of taking care of themselves but , I do understand that we are in a recession and I do believe that we should save our resources ie. our teachers and police officers . People that serve us for a better cause and a promising future . Why not fund our future ?! Yes it is terrible to see our people suffer but let's have a positive outlook on things maybe the cut in funds will make job seekers more eager to better themselves and their families.

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